Get Ready for Jaw-Dropping Invites - The Secret of Choosing the Right Paper for your Wedding Invitations

Choosing the right paper for your wedding invitations can make or break your design and make an impactful statement. This post will discuss the types of papers typically used for wedding invitations, the impact of paper quality, how to choose the right paper weight, and how to ensure that the paper will work with your desired printing method. Let’s dive into the different card stocks we carry:

Our Most Popular: Satin

This versatile paper finish can do no wrong! Great with photos and vibrant designs, the Satin Finish is an ideal choice for any wedding. This is a heavier weight for cardstock, meaning it doesn’t bend as easily as other, lighter papers, making this both a luxurious option as well as an economical one: the Satin starts at .36 cents a piece!

Recommended for: 5x7 cards, Thank You cards, Gate folding wedding invitations, and details cards (let’s be real- it’s great for all our designs!)

Our Most Unique: Vellum

Vellum is our own unique paper! Weighing in at 48lb weight (we can do a technical write up of how paper connoisseurs rate paper and all the industry jargon later!), our vellum paper is ideal for minimalist designs that can be overlaid on top a photo or pattern card. A fan-favorite, this touch of luxury is sure to wow all your wedding guests. If you like the look of vellum, but don’t want to do the whole card, we also offer vellum jackets and belly bands for just a touch of this awesome paper.

Recommended for: minimalist designs and overlays, bellybands, jackets.

The OGs: Cardstock Matte & Glossy

Our original papers! These 14 pt card stocks each play an important part in the Anthology paper line-up. Glossy is vibrant and super shiny- choose this paper finish if you love durability and crystal clear colors and photos. Matte is an organic feeling, uncoated paper making this ideal for low-key weddings. Its a no-fuss option for couples who want no photos (we don’t really recommend photos on this paper because the ink soaks into the paper and turns photos a little ‘muddy’. The exception to this rule is black and white photos- those are dreamy on this paper!) and an organic felling soiree!

Our NEWEST paper: Deckle Torn Edge

Luxury on a budget, this paper is hand torn and hand printed for a truly bespoke wedding invitation experience. In true Anthology fashion, we made sure this invitation style was economical for any bride- You can order this paper in any quantity and starts at only $1.80 a piece! Wow your guests right from the start with this romantic paper. While we don’t recommend photos or full trim and bleed (printer talk for ‘printing off the edge of the paper’), this paper can be designed in any color and lends well for more traditional or fine art designs. Pair with an upscale bellyband, printed envelopes, vellum jackets, and wax seals, you have the makings of a truly unique experience for your guests!

Recommended for: romantic, luxury, or classic wedding invitations. 5x7 and 3x5 insert cards available

Classic Elegance: Linen Cardstock

Modern with a touch of elegance, Linen is sure to set your wedding invitations apart from the crowd! With a soft, uncoated matte finish, this paper is perfect for traditional, high end weddings. Because we know that keeping costs low is a high priority for you, the linen is an affordable option if you want a more elevated paper option to deliver to your guests. The subtle texture is a luxurious option for most wedding invitations (we wouldn’t recommend photos as it may distort faces, but it makes for a beautiful option when watercolor elements or modern options are printed)

Recommended for: 5x7 wedding invitations, all insert cards sizes, Thank you folding cards, and day of wedding details

Most sparkle : Pearl Shimmer

Add a little glimmer to your wedding invitations with our signature Pearl cardstock! Ultra thick at 16 pt cardstock, this paper is perfect for basically any design you can dream up! You can even print photos on this paper! These timeless and elegant invitations will give your special day the perfect touch of sophistication and charm. With your choice of custom design, plus envelopes in an array of luxurious colors, each set of invitations is a one-of-a-kind reflection of your style and tastes.

Recommended for: 5x7 wedding invitations, thank you cards, insert cards, day-of wedding details, and gate-folding wedding invitations

Although it is easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of paper options available for your wedding invitations, by taking the time to consider your budget, the formality of your ceremony, and the type of finish that you want, you can make sure that the paper you choose is the perfect match for your special day. Your wedding invitations should be an extension of your style, whether that’s contemporary, classic, or something unique, and the right paper choice can give the perfect first impression. Make sure you’re happy with your paper choice and order samples, if necessary, so you can have peace of mind on your big day.

Take your time and get the details right – your wedding invitations are worth it! Get started today designing your perfect wedding invitations!


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